In preparing to do my first 24 hour solo race this year, I have to look back on my previous experiences with these kind of races...
My first 24 hour race was with a team of four at the 24hours of Mohican back in Ohio. I had only just begun riding the season before, but gathered up a few friends and put together a 4 man team, unfortunately I cannot find any of my pictures from that race. I loved the idea of being out there on the bike in the middle of the night and riding with like-minded individuals. The race was small, and the loop was long, so it was rare to actually see anyone out on the course. I do, however, remember being passed by Garth Prosser and Tinker Juarez...
My next experience was last year's Burn 24 hour race. I convinced one of my friends from back home to come down for the weekend and suffer through on a two man team with me. Jason and I each did 11 laps which was only good enough for 10th place (out of twelve....ouch). It was amazing though, I was fortunate to be out on a lap when the sun came up and the light was dancing across the lake, unforgetable.
This is one of my favorite photos from Burn last year

Early AM Sunday encouragement

My next experience was at the Off Road Assault on Mt. Mitchell last year. Steve and I had gotten to know each other quite a bit from working at together. We decided to just give the race a go, hadnt really trained at all, but decided to have fun with it. It took us over 10 hours to complete. Our goal this year is to be able to complete it in less than 7. Here are a few pictures from last year.
taking off up the parkway after Curtis Creek

A view from the top

a sight for sore eyes....

the aftermath

I am so anxious about this year's Burn; I have set lofty goals for myself. I'll have some pictures and a write up done next monday...