I just got in from another great City Loop Mafia ride. 8 CLM members showed up for the ride on parts of the Three Mountain Madness. Everyone was riding very strong. A majority of the climbing comes in the first half of our route and we were mustering an 18.5 mph average. At about the halfway point, we were at Sauratown Mountain.
A few of the guys taking off up Sauratown

Mitch, Sirena, and myself opted not to climb it since everyone was pushing such a quick pace. We hung out for a bit, then decided to strike out on our own, but stick to the route.
Sirena is always smiling, so happy!

Judging by Mitch's face here, there must be some whiskey sour in his bottle...

We met these two cool dogs at Old Mill and decided to stop and wait up for everyone.

Once we regrouped, we changed the route a bit, and headed back to the cars. The pack broke up a bit on Old 52 since we all knew we were within striking distance of the cars. Erich took off up the last climb with myself, Rob, and Duane right on his wheel. Right about at the top of the climb, I blew up and let Rob and Duane pass. These three are ridiculously strong, even after climbing Suaratown, they were still throwing down, climbing a decent grade at about 23-25mph. Craziness!