Some great things are transpiring at the Moore's Springs Trail. I was able to make it out for a couple of hours to help Tony and the crew today cleaning up the old campground. Plans entail that the campground will reopen first to groups, then later to anyone to stay overnight. With plans to build a significant amount more mileage, and a few other races/events, this will be a great place to spend a weekend. Already, the bridge is back into action, some of the fields are back in order, and the huge concrete slab that served as an outdoor amphitheater are cleaned up.
I was able to talk with Tony briefly about another race idea that Erich and I had...perhaps an early Spring/Late Winter Autodrop event in the works!
With Mitch off racing in Chattanooga this weekend, Erich hanging with the family, and everyone else off in their own directions, my ride tomorrow will be a solo affair. Hopefully it will be slightly less windy than it was today, I'm hoping for some good mileage as the CLM100k is fast approaching!