Steve, Curtis, Drew and I made a ride out of the shop tonight into downtown Winston. This was the first time that I had done this loop, and it was such a blast. Watching Drew and Steve catch air on road bikes going through campus was pretty sick! We took some footpaths through the campus of Wake Forest and a really old part of town, accurately named, "Old Salem." After heading out to Salem lake, we made a brief stop to catch a couple pictures, eat some snacks, and fisnish off the loop. I pulled part of the way back Country Club road, only to have Curtis and Drew blow past me on a (unknown to me) sprint. A few stats, a map, and some pictures...
Total Time (h:m:s) 2:05:27 4:22 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:51:27 3:53 pace
Distance (mi ) 28.66
Moving Speed (mph) 15.4 avg. 38.7 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +2,313 / -2,388


Steve and I acting typically foolish
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