Not much to write about the ride, just the typical paceline ride at Tanglewood. We had Kevin, Brian, Jonathan, Curtis, Steve and myself all show up for the ride. As always some part of my bike was making ruckus, tonight it was the brakes howling up a storm. Curtis was trying out my race x lites that I am having warrantied because of a horrible clicking noise in the freehub body. We think the culprit might be one of the pawls, it's as if the spring is dead in it, and it doesn't want to pop back into place and catch. We made one loop of the singletrack, hit the horse trails and some gravel, then regrouped back at the lot. At this point, everyone ducked out but us Paceline guys. We made another round of the singletrack, regrouped again. At this point, I decided that I wanted to go do some more horse trails and gravel. All in all I got in about 24 or 25 miles in just over 2 hours with about 2,000 feet of climbing. Pretty decent ride.
Pic of the mansion that was the original Tanglewood

Obligatory leg shot, it was pretty dusty in some places.

An Appaloosa in the foreground, with some grazing deer in the distance

Steve trying to ambush Curtis into falling into the mud/poo pit on one of the horse trails
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