I am definitely cooked after the Mafia 100K. Three city loops at a pace 10 to 15 percent faster than normal is killer!
We all rolled into the Elementary School around 8. The ride included a poker run with stops at Mitch's Subaru to add to the hand. After a bit of pre-ride talking and snapping of some pictures we were off.
The first lap was chill enough, around the normal 16-17mph average. Mitch's wife was at one of the turns with some friends/relatives cheering us on. Then, once in the West End we were cheered on by Erich's wife and her friend...nice! Towards the end of the first loop, there was an enormous possum dead in the road. Mitch called it out, then hopped over. Further back in the pack, Sirena ended up riding RIGHT OVER IT. According to Whitney, who was behind her, the possum's head end and tail end both bloated up when Sirena's wheels went over it, nasty!
We rolled on past the school, and started the "fast lap." "Fast lap," was an understatement. Duane decided to pick up the pace, but was in the back of the pack, so he rode up onto the sidewalk, past the group, bunny-hopped off of the curb, then attacked....impressive! From that point on it was a struggle just to hold a wheel. Around one of the turns, I found myself in the back, and got accordioned off. Then Mitch found himself off as well. We got back in with the group by making a quarter mile short cut and hung on for dear life. Up one of the steeper climbs in the west end (23 percent) with some cowbell ringing ladies along the way. Then, back to country club.
Once on Country Club, Cam and his family rolled up next to us and started video taping. Curtis and I had a bit of camera inspired bravado hit us so we worked our way up from the back. Curtis....took....off. I followed him all the way to the front, but couldn't hang as he was pulling along at 33+ mph. Craziness. Group split again at this point, but ended up regrouping for a quick stop at the school. We picked up two more cards, and went out for a third lap.
Lap 3, same as the first, just faster...and no one ran over the possum. Back to the school again, and the last card of the hand topped off the worst possible hand in poker....
The after party was awesome (Thanks Erich and Jill!) Chili, cookies, dips, cobbler and everything nice! This plus college footbal and some ice cold beverages made for an awesome afternoon!
crazy awesome watching you guys! soooooooo glad I was watching!
I can't wait to see the video!
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