Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Early Spring Break

Well, operation shutdown has effectively cut my Spring Break down. School's been out yesterday and today, and word is that tomorrow we'll be out too. I can feel the sand of Spring Break slipping through my fingers. Alas, tomorrow is supposed to breach the 50's, so I'm hoping to get in a ride early in the afternoon depending on road conditions. The Wolfpack Classic is next weekend, and I've been off the bike for a number of days...not ideal! I have been hitting the gym pretty hard, but mostly it's been running and lifting weights, so not exactly transferable to the bike, but hopefully I am staving off the fat my body wants to put on!

So after some consideration on what to do tonight, I hit the treadmill in the basement tonight. running blows.


The Clawhammer Cyclist said...

sup? dogface!

Erich said...

It sucks, but is good. The suffering is transferrable to the bike. Love it!

Brad said...

Run Forest Run!