Erich came over today after we got out of school to head out to Pilot. On the way out we were both feeling terrible. Our state of affairs was most likely due to the fact we were heading into the wind, and climbing for a vast majority of the time. My bike was acting up, as was his computer, so things were looking rather grim. When on the bike, sometimes any little noise that you hear your bike making, or any little thing that isn't working just right can work to lead you into the halls of despair. We stopped in Pinnacle to poke and prod my bike, but to no avail, the everpresent ruckus that is my bike was not to be defeated. Through Pinnacle, and on towards Pilot we continued where I snapped this photo of Erich.
At the bottom of the climb we decided it in our best interest not to kill it up since we were both feeling so bad...we were in the mentality of hoping not to phone a friend to rescue our carnage on the way back. We took it relatively easy (relative on Pilot is about a pain factor of ten elsewhere) but I digress.
View from the Top
Vultures anxiously awaiting our heart failure
We made it to the top with minor gnashing of teeth and started our descent. 17 minutes up, less than 4 back down...maddening!
We started heading back towards my place and were thanking the Anemoi, whereas, less than an hour earlier we were cursing them profusely. We made it home moving at a pretty good clip. Total ride=35.5 miles, 3300 feet of gain, 17.3 mph average.
You destroyed my time and you felt bad/took it easy. Impressive. I may try a mtn. bike ride tomorrow at Tanglewood. Hope to be out there by 6pm but we'll see. Let me know if you want to come. is my 2nd time on mtn bike ever!
Chancey, I'll give you a call if I'm able to make it out there, if not, we'll hit the trails sometime next week! Oh, and by the way, once you get the hang of it, we're going for night mtb ride!
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