Friday, June 11, 2010


Commuting is a great way to start and end a day, definitely. It always strikes me how big of a deal people make it at school though. It's as if working out, especially cycling, is totally alien. Riding home gives me time to clear my head, which is good, because as of late, I've been growing more and more impatient and frustrated with some things. Realisitically, it's a great job, and the teaching portion of "teaching" is great, sometimes the other junk is just that, junk.

Tonight, I'm hitting up the Dash downtown to catch some A baseball. Tomorrow, it's on for the State Championship Crits in Salisbury. If you're out there, say, "hey!"

As an aside, I saw this snake the other night in front of my house, he was pretty sizeable, maybe about 3.5 to 4 feet long.


Scott said...

Amen. I was treated like a freak at work for cycling at times. Heck, they even treated me as a freak because I would purchase organic produce and often make healthy lunches. I imagine that living some place like Seattle, San Francisco, Boulder, etc., would be a very different experience....

The Clawhammer Cyclist said...

I get harrassed for my lunches endlessly as well. Yogurt, Granola, fruit and sometimes protein shake apparently doesn't give me enough protein?