O! Faithful readers, in your perusing of the site you may have ogled the new link in the "sponsors" column. You may have also noticed that I've always been the type of rider to "just ride." I've never really done any kind of real training, no intervals, maybe every once in a while find a hill I like and do it a number of times. But, I've never had any kind of regimented plan, no help...so basically I've been clueless. All that ended over the last few days. With the introduction of Jill's new exercise phys endeavors, I've found myself with a coach who knows what's what. She had a plan tonight for Erich and I to do some intervals. Having never done them, I found myself nervous at the outset of the ride. However, by the end of the intervals it felt sort of natural, at least when hypoxia set in. Below are the instructions before the ride:

And after the ride:

I'm really looking forward to the idea of working with Jill and Erich. They both are great friends and are excellent at motivating me. Erich eggs me on to dig deeper on rides, and now with both of their knowledge bases working together, I'm feeling more ready to tackle new challenges on the bike.
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