I had to take advantage of yesterday's nice weather, and the day off, to do something outside. I waffled back and forth about whether to ride or to fish, but decided on the former because training camp is next weekend, and I've got to hold onto the wheel of a couple very strong riders. The route included a side trip to Cycletherapy to get some Shot Bloks. Gravel was also on the menu, so after heading down to Lewisville, I made the turn north and west towards some of my favorite gravel; Aquila Creek and Butner Mill. I snapped a few photos along the way, and just generally enjoyed the day. Great day on the bike, and now ready for Hanging Rock tomorrow.
As an aside, local riders, the first to post a comment and identify the road in the photo below will get a one ounce tublet of Enzo's Buttonhole Chamois Cream. The stuff is the real deal. If you do not use chamois cream, I will give you a pat on the hind end as payment...choose your poison wisely.
Flynt Hill Rd to East Bend, also known as The Enon Bypass!
Correct you are...buttonhole or pat on the butt for you, sir?
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