Just got in from a fast/fun ride from my place out to do the double hump. We got out to Sauratown Mountain in pretty short order averaging about 21mph. On the climb up, obviously the average plummeted. Sauratown is such a mind game because it's not like Pilot or Hanging Rock, you have a long view to the summit, and can see the road stretching out before you for a long ways.
It's hard to stay motivated when you can see what you are up against...at least with Hanging Rock and Pilot, it's natural to break it up into sections ("okay, I'll make it to that bend in 30 seconds")
After descending off of Sauratown, we headed out Moore's Springs to climb Hanging Rock. We climbed up Hanging Rock relatively quickly and took a short break. The descent down HR is always amazing, it's pretty easy to hit 50mph in a few sections, and all the curves are pretty consistent. After stopping for some Mountain Dew at the Hanging Rock General Store, we tagged Mickey Road, and headed back to 66.
Some heroic pulls were had on 66, and all of the sudden we were back in King. Now, this is where it gets hard, with already 50ish miles in the legs and two good climbs, things start to soften up a bit. I was in the front pulling on Doral when Erich and Porter come blitzing past me. With my heart rate already pegged from breaking wind (hehe) I was at a loss for how to get onto their wheels. Mitch uttered, "kids..." I pulled over to let him give me a short break, then launched my own attack to try to bridge the gap on Tobaccoville. Before this I said to Mitch, "it's likely that Erich is gone." I managed to bridge back up to within about thirty meters and I see Erich mutter something to Porter and they both stood up. I knew that if I didn't grab a wheel here, I would be helpless to get back on. I managed to close the gap just as they accelerated and hung on. Erich put in a hard pull, and all of the sudden it was just us. After the gauntlet was thrown earlier, I had to repay the favor in kind to E. We each took another pull, and I waited patiently until I knew that Erich would be at the end of his pull, and launched my own attack. We all regrouped onto Reynolda and rolled back to my place for some homemade cobbler on the deck. What a great ride!
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