Order of the day: Lactate Threshold test. Erich's coach (and wife) Jill had some plans for him for the day. A simple test to hash out heart rate zones for interval work. The test is straight-forward enough, but packs a wallop of a punch in a twenty minute ride. The idea is to ride as hard as possible for 20 minutes...that's it, that's all...sounds simple! I nearly threw up. Not simple at all. at all. Though it was tough, it was good to get some concrete numbers for training. Now I know exactly what all my heart rate zones are, and can adjust my intervals accordingly. After we finished up, we headed back over to Chez Grant to change. West End Cafe seemed a fitting place to get some lunch and crunch some numbers. Thanks to Coach Jill for taking the below photos, and egging us on towards our goals! Thanks Erich for pushing me along too, you guys are awesome!
Erich, absolutely murdering it!

Me enjoying some suffering...

Post ride...

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