I tried to put together a series of pictures, one from each month, that showed some of my best rides. This is the product that I came up with. When looking through the photos from the past year, mountain and road, I realize that I have a great group of friends. Some will be moving in the near future, and some have already left, but contact will be kept, and rides will continue into the new year. I've been all over the place, riding, in the past year. Hopefully that trend will continue as well. I've been fortunate enough to have rides that were fun, but the rides that I really remember are the ones that pushed me, either technically on the mountain bike, or physically on the road bike. Each is unique, each is exhilirating. Hooray for new prospects this year!

Overmountain Victory Trail Wilkesboro, NC

Dark Mountain Wilkesboro, NC

Overmountain Victory Trail, Wilkesboro, NC

Pisgah National Forest, near Old Fort, NC

Pisgah National Forest, near Boone, NC (Rider Alex Ryan)

On the greenway to Owl's Roost, Greensboro, NC (leg:my leg, covered in bird pooooh!)

Creekside Trail, near Winter Park, Colorado

Rock Wall Trail, West Branch State Park Ravenna, Ohio

Cedar Rock Trail, Dupont State Forest, NC

Brown County Breakdown, near Nashville, Indiana

The only road riding shot I've put in this display. On the road to the mountains, Erich egging me on.

Heartbreak Ridge, Pisgah National Forest, near Old Fort, NC
Very nice writeup Barry. That is good stuff. Maybe I will get to join you on some MTB rides this year.
Mitch, I'd be glad to have you along, anytime!
I am proud to me in your YIR. That is, of course, an acronym for Year In Review. Should I capitalize the I? Should it just be YR? I know, YiR. There we go.
Go Barry!
dang. Proud to BE in the YiR. Sheesh.
Well, Erich, the rides I referred to that included suffering on the road bike inevitably, also, involve you! I'm glad to count you as a friend!
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