Loaded up the bikes in Manhattan a mere 14 hours after getting into town:

Chilling on the front porch of the Cambridge Hotel waiting for Dieter and Andrew
Rte 313 just outside of Cambridge
Juniper Swamp before the horrendous climb
Rich Road
Crusing up Carney-Cassidy one of the new sections that cuts out some of paved rte. 29.
Mountain Road just before Erich's few seconds of sheer panic and genital pandemonium. Said pandemonium ensued when Erich rode full kilter over some seriously malevolent stutter bumps. Judgind by the sound, I thought, without a doubt, that I would look over and see a cloud of dust that once resembled Erich's bike, but alas, he stayed upright. Thankfully.
Dieter with flat number two of the day on Meeting House Road
The mindsuck that is Meeting House Road. What an awesome road to come upon 50 miles into a race!
Cruising back into town on Turnpike?
After the ride, Dieter took us to lunch at the coolest inn in town, and we crashed out at our campsite:

Tomorrow: Part Three: post ride-ride and rocketing 14 hours south.
I don't think I've ever seen so many photos of my ass in one place!
Thanks for the shout out!
The photos were by default, Erich and I both noted how you spent about an eighth of a second not on the front! Thanks for all the pulls, and for being patient with a couple of cat 4's!
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