Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Battenkill Valley Day 2

So, before loading up the campsite and heading towards the Mason-Dixon, Erich and I wanted to get in another road ride in the beautiful countryside that is the Upstate. When scouting out the map, we noticed that with a short jaunt we would be in the neighborhood of Vermont. Who would come this far and not make a point to tag another state? Not us. So off we rode from the campground..

We tagged Vermont...

Now, I make the general assumption that the entire state looks much like this, and thus am now in love.

I was so smitten that when we rode back into New York, apparently I subliminally decided to ride with eyes closed. (either that or it was a poorly timed self-portrait)

We headed back over to some of the Battenkill course and repeated some of the gravel sections. We also had to hit one of the famous photo-op location: the Eagleville Bridge.

After our ride, we headed back to the campsite to grab a quick shower, load up and head south. I declared the showers to have been invaded by gorillas. The night before they were clean, that afternoon they were covered in mud/grass and the shower curtains were torn. Craziness!

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