There are places around the world that have eye-opening beauty, that people all have heard about. One of my favorite aspects of cycling is that it has taught me to appreciate, and even expect, unexpected beauty. When making a list of locations of natural beauty, typically, one does not think of southern Indiana. Everytime that I come here though I am taken aback. It's unfortunate that more people, especially those that live here, do not get out to fully enjoy what they have around them. Though, I guess this is true for any number of other places. There are times when I feel as though I become more acutely aware of one of my senses. Today, the scent of the woods was unbelieveable. It had the sweet, musty smell of fallen leaves. When in some of the low-lying areas there was the left behind scent of chalk from the limestone. Also, something in one of the trees would catch my nose. I have no idea why this happens, but it something that has stuck with me many times while in the woods. The sight of a bear at Mount Rogers, the sound of a whippoorwill in Pisgah in the middle of the night, The feel of snow stinging my skin in the Grayson Highlands on the last big hike with Arwen. So many times my senses have made a normal day a day that will always (not quite sure if it is the right word) haunt me. I can chase them around in my mind and try my best to conjure them back to the fore, but it's never quite what it was. So many great experiences that can't be relived, but can always be drawn upon.
Mitch, perhaps a new color combo for next seasons kits?
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