Friday, October 29, 2010

Tie One On

After this mornings GRE, I had to retreat to a stream to get some mental clarity action going. I loaded up the trustworthy copilot and headed out the door...westward! Slow fishing at first, due mostly to rusty casting and trying to figure out the right pattern for the day, but did catch 4 or so in the first hour and a half. Further upstream, I saw some trout hitting the surface, so I tried on a dry fly. The fourth fly was the ticket and just about every third cast I had a fish on. After another thirty or forty minutes of fishing, I had managed to catch ten more fish. I called it quits at this point, basking in the satisfaction of having matched what the fish were eating.

The dog had been great in the car the whole time, but when I got back, she was amped and ready for a hike. Off we headed into the woods, to the falls and beyond off trail exploration. She's not too keen on water though:


Brad said...

so Juicy sweet!!!

The Clawhammer Cyclist said...

we definitely should have named Lorien Gollum.

GRE said...

It's great!