bike lanes from Casey Neistat on Vimeo.
The MNRR was a good one last night, probably the fastest of the year. The loop was reversed, so going up Petree was tons of fun battling it out to the end. I had memories of riding with Curtis on Country Club last night, as we were eclipsing the 30mph mark. I remember one of my first road rides that I went on with this group, Curtis was pulling back towards Paceline and I wholeheartedly understood why riding in a group is much faster.
Barry, thanks for the shout out. I miss the Monday night City Loop ride quite a bit. It was always a good time, especially that last stretch towards Southfork and the false flat sprint right before Jonestown. Good times!
yeah Curtis!!
Curtis from the annals of history! Those were the good ol days!
Barry, I just noticed that both our little profile pics are from the same ride, Heartbreak! That was a fun ride. Epic!
man, that was a great ride. The thing I remember most was how when we got up to parkway, we were above the fog, and the wind made it so we couldnt ride our bikes in places.
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