Saturday, July 2, 2011

Poseur Prologue 2.0

2011 Poseur Prologue went over well, though not in attendance this year was Jill's dad. Too bad, he's a nice addition on the ride, epecially with the straight block gears!!! Kristin, Erich and I had a fun time of it, getting out early this morning before the beginning of the Tour. It's great as always to ride with E, but in addition, this is usually the ONE (sadly) ride I get to do with Kristin a year. I love riding with him, and I love his mentality...pure love for cycling!

When I got home, I had to partake of some espresso and pound cake with blackberries...fantastic!

1 comment:

bicycle spaniard said...

Mutually dug, Barry. Mutually dug.