Sunday, October 30, 2011

MST Trailwork

With the start time of the P2P at Dark Mountain being moved back, it put Erich and I in a spot where we wouldn't be able to get back to town in time for other we ditched the race, and decided to do some trailwork with the Moore's Springs crew. After 4.5 hrs or so of trailwork, and an aching back and hands, we had accomplished building about 80-100 yards of trail, with another good section cleared of debris. The best part? Manhandling rhododendron roots with John after a scorched earth policy was enacted by Tony.

A beautiful morning with the clouds hooding Sauratown

E macleoding it up

I found this gem hanging in the cabin!

Me and my murder tool. (photo cred: E)

Sunk in the dirt. (photo cred: E)

Monday, October 24, 2011


Ever since I had to put Arwen down a few years ago, I was hesitant about getting another dog for myself. The bond followed by having to see her suffering like she did was terrible. But with Lorien being such a spaz, we decided that she needed a companion to help her expend more energy. After some research, and some thinking towards other future outdoor pursuits I decided on getting a pointer. I looked around for a while trying to find a reputable breeder and was able to find one (oddly enough) about twenty minutes away. Jasper is a German Shorthaired Pointer and is just under ten weeks old and about 11lbs. I'll be posting up some other photos and some details about training over the next while. I really hope to train him for what he was bred for...hunting quail and pheasant. Perhaps I can bring a bit more to the dinner table this way too!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Doughton Park

Photo dump works better than words sometimes.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brushy Mountains!

Leaves changing is the harbinger of good rides. Embro on the legs, and chill in the air, we departed to ride into the Brushies. At the general store, we ran into some people we knew from the old Paceline's been noted that no one can escape the mafia. Who knew that Mark would be hiding in Amish country trying to escape us...the mafia did. Dude can almost pull of mid-eighties Harrison Ford. (I hope someone gets this reference, it took me forever to think of something even remotely funny for this circumstance). Four hours into the ride and my legs were shot, like, Johnny, the horse went lame and there's no vet to be found shot.

View from the top!

Mitch, work it, Hopkins on the swinging bridge at Linney Mill.

Amish bakery fried apple pie.

Random road in the Brushies.

up Windy Gap.

Chick-fil-a made everything better. And now, burrito time. Later, cake time. Even later, ice cream time.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Stone Mtn Fishing

four legged creature and I went fishing this morning at Stone Mountain. In the few hours on the stream, I was able to bring about 12-14 to hand, the largest of which was a twelve inch rainbow. The highlight of the day came when I heard a loud splashing in the hole up above where I was fishing. In my mind I expected to look up and see one of the geriatric fishermen lumbering about in the hole, but lo and behold, this jerkface of a deer had muddled up my next hole!

Curses be upon you nature!

After the fishing, the dog was begging to go for a hike, so we set out and ran into about a bazillion other people who had the same idea. Though it can be unsettling to see so many out on the trails, it's also good to see so many outdoors. With the colors starting to pop here in NC, who can blame them?

Monday, October 10, 2011


Hit the MST with Tony and Dudley yesterday. 'Twas a good day to be in the woods, with a bit of color showing on the North-facing slope of the Sauratown Range. Whilst riding along in the woods, I was daydreaming on a number of different occasions about riding in the Brown County Breakdown. Alas, it wasn't in the cards for me this year to make it up to Indiana, but next year, I will definitely be opting for the 100 mile version.