Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I knew that I had something special waiting for me when I got back from vacation this weekend.  Brown Santa brought me most of a bicycle, to be built up with parts I've had for a while matched with some parts I've picked up over the past couple months.   After getting to a point where I could do no more with the tools I had on hand, I ventured to Doc Wheelies and we completed the build in short order.  As it sits below with pedals and cages, the bike to be dubbed "Cash" is 19lbs and a bit o' change.  I'll do some fine tuning over the next couple months leading up to the Breakdown, but there isn't much I'd like to change about it.  Look for a long term review later on this autumn!

As a side note, Erich and I have been busy working on getting things planned for our fall race.  The Autodrop Slingshot will go off October 27th from Bob's Big Gas Subs and Pub in Winston-Salem.  The checkpoint based road race was a hit last year, and with new checkpoints and challenges this year, it is sure to be a day in the saddle to remember!

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