Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I hate you, I love you.

Those six little words that I uttered on Wyo Road with Erich. I simultaneoulsy meant both, hating that it hurt so bad, but loving having a friend to push me so hard and encourage me. Tonight was very tough, fast pace, hills, wind, downpours...just a brutal ride. We met up at the River Park with ominous clouds in the direction we were headed. After about fifteen minutes of warm up, the clouds opened up on us on Flint Hill, and within a minute we were absolutely soaked.

Riders on the storm

At the school at East Bend

At one point, we decided that the rain was about to turn to hail, but I'm glad that we continued. We both wanted to get in one last really hard effort before Saturday's road race in Boone. Tonight definitely qualified as a hard effort. After we tagged East Bend we headed back on Baltimore, and the sun came back out.

Then on to Dinkins Bottom, then Wyo, and over to Powerline. The intent was climbing with some speedwork on the flats between. Accomplished, as I am entirely shelled. By the time we got back to the River Park we ended with 46 miles with an average speed of just under 21mph. We collapsed onto the asphalt at the River Park when we got back to the trucks...evidence below:

mmmm, sweat angel!


Erich said...

it is a love / hate relationship!

The Clawhammer Cyclist said...

mostly love though, the hate only comes out when I'm in debilitating pain ;)