Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Boo: Revisited...

After a riveting discussion in the parking lot at Lewisville Square tonight with Mitch concerning the debate over Tubular vs Clincher, we headed out with the crew on the Williams Road loop. Exactly 4.7 miles into the ride, I hear a resounding "pwoooooosh" I threw my arms in the air in disbelief at my sad fortune. A flat...on a tubular. Hence the title, 'Boo: revisited..." Mitch pulled off with me, but with no way to do any fix (i.e. a spare tire) it was fruitless. I got out the cell (which I never normally take on a ride) and call for spousal backup. SuperLis and DogWonder showed up about a half hour later in the civicmobile to rescue me. While I waited, I took the time to draw in the dirt with my water bottle...

Passing me on their second lap, my cheers were met with looks of sympathy... alas, I shall not ride with thee, dear friends...

1 comment:

Scott said...

BOO!!!!! You realize that you always tempt fate when you have such a discussion immediately preceding a ride?