Saturday, August 7, 2010

Midwest Tour Continued!

So, I got in a couple other rides in Ohio at West Branch. A 3.5-4 hour ride topped off by some super fun solo night riding, and a nice 3 hour group ride with some of the guys from Eddys (the shop I worked at). Heath was tearing it up and jinxed himself by having stated, "I've had a no dab ride thus far." Having a no dab ride on the rock trails at West Branch would be one of those unforgettable days. He made it until one of the last sections and had to make a couple small dabs. Impressive riding nonetheless. I snapped a few photos and shot and edited a couple little videos:

West Branch from Barry Stevenson on Vimeo.

After a couple more days in Ohio, Lis and I made our way to St. Louis to visit my brother and his family. I was able to get out yesterday to ride the trails at Castlewood State Park. They were a nice change of pace, with some cool overlooks over the Meramec River. No photos to share, unfortunately, the camera was MIA until about an hour ago. I think if my clothes weren't very literally hanging onto me, I would likely lose them off my back!

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