Wednesday, February 25, 2009

City Loop!

I just got in from a night city loop with Drew and Curtis. This is quickly becoming one of my favorite night rides. The city traffic is low at night, and the lights downtown are very cool. I didn't get any pictures tonight, unfortunately, but did get this video of Drew skidding like he's riding a fixie back at the shop.

Drew Skid from Barry Stevenson on Vimeo.
On the way out Peace Haven, some jackknife in a black Crapalier started heckling us. We pulled in behind him at a red light and started yelling back, much to the dismay of other motorists around us. Little did they know they were the butt end of the joke, for it was none other than Steve that was harrassing us. We headed through the campus of Wake Forest and on into downtown, making the mad climb up through the West End. Looped through downtown and back onto Country Club. Drew and I had a bit of a scare on CC when we heard squeling tires and realized that Curtis was behind us. Our first thought was that someone hit him. It scared the crap out of me, but apparently it was someone pulling out of a parking lot mashing the gas pedal. Each time I ride with these guys I am reminded of why they are such good friends. There is nothing like being able to get out on a bike, push yourself, sprint, climb and share all of this with someone. I don't know how to explain it, but I imagine that most people that read this blog are cyclists, and you know exactly what I am trying to get across.

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Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:05:28
Distance (mi ) 18.01
Moving Speed (mph) 16.5 avg. 38.6 max.
Elevation Gain (ft)+1,372 / -1,333

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh dang it!
I can do better then that!

Just wait ti|| next time
